Early Ḥanafī Theories on Qirāʾāt Canonization and Legal Authority
Yousef Aly Wahb
Al-Ḥārithī’s Musnad of Abū Ḥanīfa: A Source for Abū Ḥanīfa’s Ḥadīth?
Zeeshan Chaudri
In Defence of the Ḥanafī Tradition: The Legal Utility of al-Nīmawī’s Āthār al-sunan
Massoud Vahedi
Competing Spaces of Religious Belonging: Deobandi Debates on Interest/Usury as a Case Study
Haroon Ebrahim Sidat
A Torch in the Ottoman Twilight: The Life and Struggles of Şeyhülislam Mustafa Sabri Efendi (1286–1374/1869–1954)
Amin Gharad